I'm not gonna lie, my laptop over the last few months has been useless for everything but school and downloading music. It's had the worst video/graphics card humanity has ever seen, resulting in not only making my resolution so bad that what was on the screen appeared to have been run over by a cyber-steamroller, but also made most of my PC games unplayable. But seeing as I'm not the... technical type I had no idea all I had to do was download the drivers. Now THAT'S belatedly been done, FINALLY STUFF WORKS. As in, not only will I no longer get people looking at my screen and saying 'what the hell is wrong with your screen, that laptop sucks, you're such a freak, you should be executed', but I can now play the stuff I used to.
Counter Strike, how I have missed thee. I'm really not much of a PC player but that game was like crack. I can't wait to get back into it. Strangely, this might mean for once Xbox 360 is coming second best. For a bit at least.
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