Saturday, 19 December 2009

Upcoming Reviews 19/12/2009

Ok a few days ago I got a LOVEFiLM subscription for games, so I will be renting, playing and reviewing a lot more form here on out. 

At the moment, I'm playing Tim Schafer's Brutal Legend. I'm not gonna lie, it's a big disappointment. I was kinda hoping it would be ultra-ridiculous, like Metalocalypse, slightly taking the piss out of metal, but really it degenerates into constantly driving round quite a plain game world and bashing A and X. The fact that Jack Black really fancies himself a Metal God doesn't help. Boss fights aren't bad though, and a good soundtrack.

Left 4 Dead's been played a lot and a review of that is coming, probably tonight or tomorrow.

After that I'll probably start reviewing the Orange Box, but as separate games instead of one. Portal and Team Fortress 2 can be reviewed, but I have yet to finish the Half-Life 2 games.

And yes Rob, if you're reading this, I WILL do a review of Nazi Zombies for iPod Touch. It won't be long, but I'll do it soon, ok?

Once I've done the above lot, I'll be reviewing ODST, Arkham Asylum and Dead Rising in some order or another. 

EDIT 3/1/2010: The above statement is a lie. Arkham Asylum isn't going to be reviewed, probably ever. Dead Rising and ODST are pretty far in the future.


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