I've had some great times with this fella. 'Gob get me a drink' *takes Stimpaks* 'So... how does Moriarty treat ya Gob?'. Fantastic convos.
So yeah, if there are any absolute freaks out there that NOTICED I haven't posted anything in ages, let alone what I was meant to post... thanks. I'm genuinely honoured. In my defence before you pitchfork me with your unkind words of mild impatience, I have had to say a long goodbye to an old friend. I'd decided it was finally time to let go of the masterpiece that is Fallout 3 by playing it through for the 5th time to level 30, finishing off the 300 hours of incredibly immersing gaming I have spent on it so I have no need to pick it up again and play it to the point it's not fun.
So I did, I played it from start to finish (and by finish I mean including Broken Steel, the normal ending was dreadful) not including any other expansions because I couldn't bear how adequate they are, for my first time as a Sneak-based character. However, being irresponsible ol' me, I was playing for roughly 10 hours a day, usually non-stop. And being weak ol' me, this often drove me to insanity or depression at the end of each bout of gameplay. I barely ate, I was pissed off with most people, I had headaches and began contemplating how much Exp I would gain from killing my family, or if my cat's meat would be irradiated. One day I felt so bad after a 12 hour session I had to buy a Fallout lunchbox on eBay to make myself feel better. I know I'll feel a lot worse when it arrives and I realise what I shelled out £13 on.
But it's still been great playing the mighty Fallout. I ended it in the way I really wanted to; blowing up a Deathclaw with a Fat Man, giving me just enough Exp to get me to a level 30. I'd like to issue a thanks to Ryan for making me get it in the first place and teaching me that VATS and Fast Travel ACTUALLY EXIST, Jerry for having exactly the same opinions as me on everything inside the game, Ian for being awful at it so I can look down on him, and Omid for being someone I can teach about it and feel like a pro.
Obsidian, if you make New Vegas as addictive as FO3, I will actually be annoyed.
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