So while Bethesda hack away at Elder Scrolls V despite them denying working on it, or an Elder Scrolls MMO, or the existence of themselves and their families, Obsidian are hopefully by now stuck into Fallout: New Vegas. Seeing as Fallout 3 is definitely top of my list of this generation's games, New Vegas is both my most anticipated and most dreaded game. Sure I want a follow up to the game I've spent 250 hours enjoying, but putting faith in a completely different developing company, especially one which hasn't got a great reputation for sequels, isn't easy.
Things I hope are added/improved:
- Animations. It didn't hinder the game much, but it was sometimes hard to take a guy seriously when he's virtually moonwalking around. Some good running animations would be a good addition.
- Technical problems solved. I understand it isn't easy with a huge map and generally a big game to worry about the little things, but things like radroaches being stuck in walls, and radscorpions, dogs and mole rats disappearing into the floor got irritating at times.
- A few cutscenes? The ones at the beginning and end of Fallout 3 were brilliantly artistic and grim, it would be good to have these at the significant storyline twists.
- Try to make the game a little darker. I liked the humour as it did add a good touch, but there are perhaps a few too many light-hearted characters, unlike the old Fallouts in which everyone was pissed off. Two ends of the extreme here, so maybe something in between?
- Seediness in Vegas. This might make me seem like an average teenager wanted a cheap boob shot, but let's face it, we were ALL disappointed in Nova. 'You can rent a room, and sleep in it. When you wake up, she's there.' Oh great. Vegas is Sin City, so jack it up a little, give us something to keep our minds off the apocalypse.
- Don't take away the Hunting Rifle. Obsidian might think of it as just another weapon, but that thing WAS Fallout in my opinion.
- Have another Dogmeat! There was one in FO2...
- Have a lot more voice actors. There were about 20 in Fallout 3 for about 150 different NPCs. Every old man sounded the same. So despite being able to get Liam Neeson to voice Dad they could only get another 19? Let's have a lot more.
- Keep some Wasteland. Vegas will be an interesting city, but there's gotta be some more open ground to explore. Have 2/3 of the map as Wasteland, like Fallout 3.
- Don't have as many useless weapons. Lead Pipe, Police Baton, Baseball Bat, there were loads like that, but there was no use for them past Level 4.
Obsidian, just don't get cocky. Bethesda knew how to do it, don't try to be better.
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