Old ass meme from a terrible place, but dammit every time I think of Louis from L4D I just think of P-P-P-P-P-PA PILLZ HERE!
So yeah I had said that list of 7 games would be over the course of 3 months. However it's magically happened a lot faster.
- Left 4 Dead - bought, completed, testing multiplayer.
- Batman: Arkham Asylum - borrowed, but yet to be played.
- The Orange Box - Borrowed, played a bit, but somewhat pushed aside for Left 4 Dead and completing the shit out Assassin's Creed II.
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - fuck it. I don't care what happens in those last two missions, it's not going to make the game suddenly good. I went ahead and reviewed it.
- Mass Effect - getting one way or another very soon, either Christmas or soon after.
- Shadow of the Collossus - the only one which isn't going to be gained particularly soon, getting the X360 games done and played first.
- Borderlands - when I'm done with most of the above lot, I'll be buying it.
Reviews will be coming in for the top 3 soonish.
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