Ok, the first iconic moments of the Console War are over, with many dead but more wounded forever, cursed to mutter about their regrettable purchase or continually hate upon the other console for all eternity until they descend into inevitable insanity and nightmares of Xboxes shitting ethernet cables on copies of Metal Gear Solid 4, or Master Chief being blown up on Little Big Planet levels. Minor skirmishes still continue on the vast plains of Youtube, but are usually quickly neutralized by the all-powerful video poster who swoops in and says 'OMG GUYZ TAKE YOUR NERDY ARGUMENT ELSEWHERE'. So I think it at this time, where we all emerge from our Microsoft-endorsed bomb shelters, that we start admitting stuff we were previously unable to say without being spammed into implosion.
I've been playing on my Xbox 360, with Live, for a year and a half, and it's been incredible. Gaming really turned around for me, cos with the PS1 and PS2 days it was just occasional thing, but now it's more of a hobby, something I look forward to, something I think about a lot, something I can write about. So I'm very thankful, and I still love it. But I also want a PS3.
I wouldn't trade Xbox Live for the world, and I still think the controllers are the best around as I don't think much of having them the size of a baby's fist so I have to play with my fingertips, but let's face it, the PS3 does what the Xbox doesn't. If you're not hugely into online, you can still get it for free. This isn't what I'd buy it for, but I'll credit it for that use. If you're really into the hi-def movies or brilliant graphics, then this is also the console you want. I don't want those either, but many will. What I want is the exclusives. The Xbox ones are far from inadequate, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Mass Effect, Forza, Alan Wake and Halo still has its moments but the PS3s are just as good. MGS4, which is pretty much THE game of this generation along with Fallout 3 and GTA IV, Little Big Planet for the kid in you, Killzone for the kind of multiplayer Call of Duty could have been but failed to be, the amazing God of War series... must I go on? It's also going to have Alan Wake biggest rival game, Heavy Rain, which I am painfully interested in for its completely original take on gaming, making a much more in-depth storytelling experience and not relying on the same old GUNZ GUNZ MULTIPLAEYIR GRENAYDEZ HEDSH0T to make something entertaining.
I could play all those for hours. Not at the expense of my Xbox Live and its games, but DAMN I so want one as well. Not to mention an HD TV. And some decent speakers. And a decent chair. I need some money.