I plan to get a decently-written article up here soon, but for now, a news post.
The Bad Company 2 multiplayer demo came out just under a week ago now and it's safe to say: it's awesome. As in, literally as good as hoped and expected. To put it basically, Bad Company 1 with better squad dynamic, more vehicles and better vehicle-based gameplay, controls (left trigger to accelerate? Not any more...) and graphics. Can't say a huge deal for 'new guns' as not many have been shown but what has been shown are hugely improved BC1 weapons, for example the SCAR-Light is now a weapon to be feared, but also one that just feels great. The sound of it is perfect - capitalizing of course on Battlefield's top-notch audio - and you can look down the sights, and the way it is better than the SMG unlocked before it is so brilliantly balanced it puts all of Call of Duty's class system to shame. The Black Hawk helicopter is also as fantastic as I had wanted it to be, and while the Apache helicopters are still nigh-impossible to fly leaving it to the very experienced to aviate these monsters (perhaps a good thing), the Black Hawk is tough but masterable, and very, VERY, satisfying when your teammates manning the miniguns rack you up hundreds of points from their kills which couldn't have been done without you. Brilliant stuff.
Speaking of demos, the Aliens vs Predator multiplayer demo arrives tomorrow. This is pretty sudden considering it was only announced half a week ago, but I'm looking forward to it. A lot.
Obsidian have so far been deathly quiet about upcoming Fallout: New Vegas (as in the new Fallout game said to be released this November but WILL, mark my words, be delayed) but upon going on Twitter for the first time in months, I happened to come across a tweet from Bethesda saying Obsidian would be releasing news tomorrow. This could be a trailer or another hopelessly vague sentence describing it, but whatever it is, I wanna know. The fate of the Fallout series is in their hands.
In less game-related news, today is Pruane2Forever's birthday and I'd like to thank him for his fantastic contributions to the internet. I think we've all learned a bit about ourselves watching the Sexman.

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