Haven't posted anything in ages, and I apologise. You see, I was working on a review for Halo 3: ODST and unfortunately Infinity Ward came to my door and demanded I take down both my Modern Warfare reviews and my blog post about them being sick. Fortunately last month Bethesda sent me a real-life Hunting Rifle for being so awesome at Fallout 3, so having whipped that out and taken out two of the lead developers, they began to send in a few hundred mindless CoD fans, screaming 'noob tube' and the like at me. A few hours later they were all dead, but I got a Predator missile stuck in my leg from one cheeky fan so I had to heal up for a bit. That's my excuse, anyway.
Basically this is just another update post....
AvP demo is awesome! Great fun, and absolutely terrifying sometimes as the Marines. Well balanced and quite tactical, and a three-way is definitely something new. Very mixed reviews of the actual game, (a 5.5 from Gamespot? Wah?) but I think it handles very well. Though perhaps that's what a demo is meant to seem like...
Been playing Army of Two: The 40th Day today with EnglishCarBomb and it's not bad at all, very strong co-op indeed. However, as it is basically Army of Two Two, it is to be called Army of TuTu.
Speaking of Army of TuTu and what the title is related to, EA thought it'd be hilarious today of all days to close just about ALL of their servers for maintenance. Bad Company 1 was still up, but Bad Company 2 demo, Battlefield 1943 and worst of all Army of TuTu went down for a LONG time - BC2 demo ALL DAY. Thanks a lot. Could you next pick a time when I 1. Haven't JUST got Army of TuTu 2. I'm not addicted to the BC2 demo. And why pretty much all the EA servers at once? Why not one game's servers at a time? Gah.
That's all for now folks. No idea what to write about as a proper article, but 40th Day review sometime soon.
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