Monday, 8 March 2010

The Failboat Awards

Would just like to hand out some random awards in appreciation.

The Dedicated Blog and Review Reader Award: Nicey/nicekindaguy

The Gamerscore Award: Tom Green/cokeyedcaptin

The Halo Pro Award: Jerry/heresjohn

The Haggard Award: Brian Jones/EnglishCarBomb

The Vault 101 Award: Brother Omee/hitman892

The Videophile Award: Uncle GC/Bulky G

The Bad Company 2 Award: Dan Elliott/Director_Alpha

The Hack 'n' Slash Award: Sindall/Director_Omega

The Lips Award: Sammy/sammyspencer10

The Boring CoD Award: Ian Richardson/dizzypudding

The Awesome New Squad Member Award: Mikey The Pain Train/MIKE OF PAIN

The Twat of the Year Award: Deji Olatunji/AngelzKid

Here's to you guys *drinks air*


  1. Haggard award?
    Is that for shooting a tonne of people in the face with the RPG or for just being a shit gamer?

  2. Driving like an idiot, shotgunning in the air, RPGs to faces etc.
