At time of writing it is late 2009, and the whole world is still jumping up and down in excitement like a hyperactive child over the sickeningly overrated Modern Warfare 2, instead of looking forward to the more intelligent and creative games such as Assassin’s Creed II because they don’t have sniper rifles and kill streak rewards. My eye is on Creed II as it seems to have taken into account what was so flawed in the first game (that is, only five mission types in the whole game) and proven Ubisoft actually have the ability to look at game forums and see what people like. However, more expectant am I on the games of 2010. Just Cause 2, Bad Company 2, Fallout: New Vegas and a possibility of Gears of War 3.
This looks like a great year to come, but what’s that thing which affects us Brits more than anyone else? Sod’s law maybe? The more you expect something in anticipation, the old bastard Sod has to swoop in, eat your dreams, spit them out, eat them and again, and vomit them up. That’s what happened with Mercenaries 2, the sequel to my favourite game on PS2, so why not ruin ALL these games that I really want?
What’s more worrying is that almost all said games have a reason they could end up turning rubbish, opening the garden gate for Sod’s Law, letting him through the front door and taking his coat. For starters, Just Cause 2 is next in the series for a game which was horribly disastrous in so many ways despite its potential with a massive map and skydiving mechanic. It was meant to be similar to a cheesy action movie yet turned out to be worse than Vin Diesel’s acting in the way it was played. The sneak-peekers say that it’s improved, but seeing as it’s still meant to be the same type of game, I don’t see why they won’t bugger it up again. I mean it’s Eidos, did you SEE what they did to Tomb Raider?
Fallout: New Vegas isn’t even developed by Bethesda, who were the guys who made Fallout 3 so perfect, because they’re probably making Elder Scrolls V however much they violently deny it. The guys making this one are Obsidian, and apart from KOTORII, they’ve been known for ruining sequels. Oh great. There goes another instalment of my favourite game of this generation. WHY DO THEY PUNISH ME SO.
Gears of War 3 isn’t as likely as Gears of War 2 added a lot of great things, but we know who the lead designer of EPIC games is: cocky ‘hey-I’m-your-best-friend’ twat Cliff Bleszenski who will probably think it would be a great avant-garde idea to kill off Marcus Fenix and have him come back as Uber-Marcus in a Jason X kinda way. Oh and if and when you kill the Queen, she explodes into butterflies and it turns out that Sera was actually Teletubbie land. Oh you’re all so silly for thinking Gears was a serious game!
Bad Company 2 I can’t think of a flaw so easily. I’ve seen the early footage and thankfully they haven’t removed anything and have only added extra destruction, vehicles and weaponry to the mixing-pot, unless you count simplifying the classes to how they were in the older Battlefield games as removing. BF:BC was a great formula for true multiplayer greatness and for the first time since Nightfire it looks like EA may have made something... incredible.
So yeah, there are my thoughts of 2010. If it’s true that things always turn out the opposite than what you expect, we’re in for the best year of gaming in a LONG time. Now let’s hope Activision can bear to stay out of the action and not ruin it.
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