Well I've once again taken one of these uncalled for holidays by accident in which I leave blogging for two weeks for no reason without realising. Well the things I have been doing in the meantime are threefold, some more interesting than others.
1. Download Festival! Well this is a gaming blog so I won't go into the copious musical details of it, but in short, Rage Against The Machine are incredible. The tiny amount of gaming references I could possibly make to it would be that I saw the bassist of Atreyu wearing a Red Dad 'Outlaws To The End' t-shirt. Also there was a strangely popular Gears of War hoodie that many fans were wearing. EA attempted to get their hands on some delicious additional fans to play their broken, unsupported games by having an 'EA Store' there were people could try out such amazing titles as Army of Two: The 40th Day and Harry Potter. Safe to say people didn't have their minds blown.
2. Horrendous amounts of Red Dead Redemption. Well it's been a long time since I've played a game so obsessively and been such a desperate completionist and in a way it feels comfortable to have my full nerdiness back. However, it did get me this delicious achievement.
Yeah it took 40 hours. 40 HOURS WELL SPENT.
3. Building my new setup! What with the recent demise of my ol' television I thought I may as well pool some money for a decent screen (finally, something with HD) and get hold of some good speakers. Having recieved the speakers, with a great subwoofer, for my birthday I now just need my new 22" Widescreen computer monitor which I will hook up with a VGA cable. This is the one I currently have in mind:
Download put me back almost all my money so I'm in the process of getting hold of said £109, but with £70 in the bank already I haven't far to go. I've also found an old - if a little small and mildly damaged - computer monitor in my house which I am using in the mean time. The resolution I can get on it is still great and despite the size is a lot more enjoyable to use than my old TV. Here's a horrendously cheesy picture of it:
... I think you get the idea.
That's all I got for you for now. Well, having said that, I still haven't so much as started my Conviction review, which I owe to myself more than anything. Hell, I haven't even posted it back to LoveFilm yet. I need to get motivated.
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