Yes, I made this picture on Paint. Not as if anyone else has come up with the idea eh?
By now, we've all got our reasons for hating Bungie. They moved the army of whining 11 year olds from Florida from the online PC gaming community to Xbox Live, and tripled their numbers. They created the most characterless video game hero ever made, turned a fairly serious and cutting storyline into a joke and at E3 shat out that swaggering tit who presented the upcoming news and gameplay footage we'd all seen before for Halo 3: ODST whilst doing his best impression of the archetype, despite being one anyway. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Halo 3, but after 14,763th time you hear from some moron who's played at most 3 games in his life that Halo is the best game ever, you begin to loathe whoever created this monster.
Now, with the exclusion of some Tibetan monks and perhaps a few Papa New Guinean tribes, everyone has heard of /b/ and 4chan by now right? That place full of bastards which was at one point kinda funny, and then less so, and now really not? Yeah, no doubt by now the mention of a 'epic fail' or a 'shoop da woop' will make you want to tear off your ears with a pair of pliers. So WHY do Bungie feel some dumb fucking need to incorporate it into their already dull humour?
I admit, at the time of writing it is less present, but look back only a couple of months and everything on Bungie.net and all messages from Bungie recieved after a Halo 3 update HAD to include a reference to some dead meme, and not even pulled off well. It was enough to make you think that half of the /b/ community is actually just Bungie techies on their lunch break chucking in another shit photoshopped photo of the Chief and tying 'I THINK HALO IS A PRETTY COOL GUY'. Even stuff they didn't make themselves from Youtube, such as 'Top Ten Epic Fail Sticks' or something like that would constantly be posted on Bungie.net and promoted, each new time changing the last word to 'splatters' or 'headshots' etc. and showing us endless unfunny luck-based kills that are bound to happen every five games due to the physics engine. And with the biggest audience of all, MACHINIMAS. Of course 99% of it is JohnCJG's stuff, mainly Arby n' the Chief. Watch the latest 5 or so episodes and count how many memes are used. I dare you. You'll run out of fingers. I started off thinking 'oh, this must just be satire...'. That belief wore off quickly.
I suppose this was bound to happen from the beginning, I mean Bungie and 4chan have an almost identical fanbase: arrogant prepubescents, often hungry and/or pissed off from their long walk home from school. They just go so conveniently hand-in-hand, and it's just so sweet that I'm going to have to despise them both equally. Aww, now you just go off and die.
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